Archive for the ‘interviews’ Category


Tollbooth Interview

December 19, 2007

If you want to know how I spent the last four years of my life then read on. The Tollbooth Gallery project received a lot of attention nationally and internationally over the last several years. Here is an interview that M and I did early on that gives you some insight into who we are and how the project came about. I have these interviews along with some I did with all the artists who collaborated on this project in its first year. I will be posting those in the near future. A number of people have been asking about them, but they are no longer in print anywhere.  We sound so young and optimistic… This is sort of a retiring from the project for me that came with the recent move. I hope you enjoy them!
Click to read interview.

The Tollbooth Gallery is billed as the world’s smallest gallery dedicated exclusively to experimental video and wheat-pasted paper fine arts. The Tollbooth was once a TV-Tacoma information kiosk that had long since been abandoned and left fallow. The renovated Tollbooth Gallery now programs eight exhibits per calendar year of artists and artist-teams. Each artist produces video that is continuously played on the monitor and sound system of the Tollbooth. The opposite side of the Tollbooth allows an expansive space for artists to post paper works relating to their project on the polymer torso.